Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The Sunset

We are so lucky to be able to watch the sunset over the Atlantic Ocean nearly every night.  Here is a smattering of recent evenings:

The Surf

Well, why not? We are surrounded by ocean, why not learn how to surf? So off we went. It wasn't always elegant, but we did manage to stand up several times!

...and the not so elegant...

The Hike

Lion's Head stands 2195 feet above sea level.  Last week a crew of us made it to the top!  Getting to the top requires scaling up some ladders and ropes. This is the view of Table Mountain from the top of Lion's Head.

 Here is the view looking south - one of those houses down there is ours!
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 Same hike, different crew - Leah, Mark and Abby hiked up Lion's Head on one of the full moon evenings - some people go all the way up and down under moonlight - we opted for a view of moonrise on the way down

The School Uniform

The summer uniform

and the winter uniform....

The Rainbow

This morning we awoke to a monkey's wedding - sunshine and rain at the same time.  Followed by...

then, a few months later...

And these, taken from the Company Gardens